Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween and Summer Report!

As always things have been busy busy. We had a wonderful summer full of traveling around and seeing friends and family. A big highlight was going upstate to our friends lovely home where Toren got in some serious swimming and boating time.

Our Halloween took a lot of time and effort to prepare for but seemed anti-climactic as we had no where to go and didn't host a party like we did last year. Oh, well. We are planning on using the same costumes again next year so we will have a better plan as the Wonka Family!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Winter 2010!

Well, if the summer was busy things just got bumped up a notch.

We have finally thrown our hats into the ring trying to become first time home buyers. With prices and interest rates where they are it's a no brainer we had to make some sort of move this year. While we were really hoping to get out of the city and enjoy some country living, the hiring freeze for teachers kind of limited our options so we have decided to remain in Brooklyn for the time being.

I have been hard at work in my home studio, mixing a CD called "Hanukkah Gone Metal" and producing 5 tracks for an upcoming "Tribute to Fat Chicks". Hey, not my idea for the title.

Our baby is the cutest and best baby in the history of babies. We know every new parent must feel this way but we have photographic proof! Our Christmas was wonderful, we even made our own angel with Torens face on top. Best tree angel EVER. We have been thrilled with every little milestone, every new sound he makes, every small accomplishment- "Look, he just waved at you!" "He pulled himself into a sitting position for the first time!" He's getting ready to crawl!" "HIS FIRST TOOTH IS COMING IN!"

It is all happening so fast and we are trying our best to enjoy every second of it, we know these days are precious and it brings us enormous happiness to share what we can with all of you.

The video tapes are piling up, I will try to do a yearly DVD of our time with Toren, hopefully have something together in a month or two.